Together, we shall rejoice in the strength of our love for Dolly and enhance our bond with the Dolly community.
Designed by MJ
The Project BJD team is an Agency that aims to bring doll collectors from the United States, Europe, and the Western world together to share and enjoy the charm of Ball Jointed Doll culture. Through strategic collaboration with collectible doll artists from around the world, we hope to return to the rich heyday of BJD. This project is supported by the non-profit organization KEPPO as part of the K-contents revival.
Project BJD team은 전세계의 Collectible Doll artists이 함께하는 풍성했던 BJD 전성기로 다시 돌아가기 위해, 제2의 도약을 함께 하고자, 전략적인 협업을 통해서 미국 및 유럽/서구의 doll collector들에게 collectible doll 문화의 매력을 함께 즐기고 공유할 수 있는 기회/공간을 마련하고자 만든 Project Agency입니다. 본 Project BJD는 비영리단체인 KEPPO의 support를 받아 K-contents 부흥의 일환으로 진행되어집니다.
What We Do Together
Strategic Marketing
Create the exclusive items for conventions / retailers / special season and events
Support the on/off line advertising and sales
Create the place to communicate between BJD artist and collectors
Free / Monthly Issue
Collaborating with Center of Influencers
Strategic partner work with artists, wholesalers, SNS influencers and etc.
If you have any questions about Project BJD, please feel free to contact us! We are here for you!
Project BJD에 문의하고 싶은 사항이 있으신가요? 언제든 편안하게 질문 남겨 주십시요. 최선을 다해서 답변 드리겠습니다.